Gifted 6/7

Welcome to Gifted Class!

Welcome to Gifted Reading Class!

My Gifted Reading class is a combined 6th and 7th Grade class for students currently enrolled in BHAMS' Gifted Support program. The course contains a two-year curriculum, with rotating courses of study every-other year.

Please review the slideshow to the left for more information. Please reach out with any questions


Gifted Reading 6/7 is a combined 6th and 7th Grade Enriched Reading class. It will replace the standard 6th or 7th Grade Reading class on your Gifted student's schedule.  Our curriculum is designed to facilitate the Annual GIEP Goals on your Gifted student's GIEP document.  We also incorporate other projects into our curriculum that are designed to challenge our learners in ways befitting their ability.

Response to Literature

Students will complete one Response to Literature essay every marking period. These 2-3 page essays will examine a book (both fiction and non-fiction) of the student's choice. Students are challenged to summarize the book, identify and cite example of Literary Elements, and complete a recommendation.

Book Projects

Our students will complete one Book Project each marking period. Book selections relate to our current unit of study. Projects change each marking period, challenging students to use multiple forms (technology, artistic, writing skills) of methodology to create a presentation for their peers. Students are encouraged to choose methods that relate to their talents and interests.

Other Projects

We complete multiple projects during the two-year curriculum, including:

C-SPAN's StudentCam project

Toshiba's ExploraVision project

Khan Academy's Imagineering in a Box project

What's So Cool About Manufacturing? project

Passion Projects

Genius Hour

Literature Projects (based on units of study)