How to Get it All Done!

First Step: Create a schedule

Students often seem overwhelmed by all the things they have to do. Finding time to do homework while participating in sports, activities, and family events seems like an impossible task. Help your child create a calendar of their typical week. Through this activity, identify blocks of time they can use throughout the week to use for school work if needed. This way when homework and projects come up that need time at home to complete, your child will know there is a set time to complete them. They may need a little help staying on track during this block. Encourage them to stay focused on their task during that time block. To complete this activity you could use a paper calendar, Google Calendar, Google Sheets, or if you prefer an app, Clockify can help. It is free and you can use it on a computer or mobile device.


Now that you have time set aside for work, take that time and help your student put similar tasks together. For example, if they have work in multiple subjects, stick to completing one subject at a time. This will help your child increase efficiency, reduce errors, and help their stress load by giving them an area of focus. 

third step: Create a checklist

Now that they have their tasks batched together, have them create a checklist of what is absolutely necessary to complete today in those categories. It is easy for your child to become overwhelmed by the work that is up and coming, but help them focus on the top three items first. Having them chunk their work in small parts will help them feel less overwhelmed. 

fourth step: Set time limits

Have your child look at the tasks in that block and estimate how much time it should take them to complete that task. Then have them set a timer and try to help them keep to that time. If they know they are working to a set time, they are less likely to be distracted by their devices, because they are working to an end goal. 


Scheduling breaks is imperative in helping your child be successful. This will also hopefully help cut down on those unintentional breaks along the way. Most people can only focus for 60-90 minutes at most before needing a break. You may have to start small intially and have them take a break every 30 minutes. That's ok! As they get used to the routine, they should be able to start working a bit longer. Breaks should last 10-15 minutes before they start working again. 

hopefully these strategies will relieve stress at home and help your child become more confident and independent!