Elementary School Library


A great place to check out some digital resources!

Click on Power Kids to access Bookflix, Chat with a Librarian, and much more!


Students using bee bots


Library Expectations

Books can be checked out for one cycle at a time. When they check out a library book, it will be due the next time they are here for library class. If they have not finished reading their book in that timeframe they are allowed to renew the book, if they would like to.  They will just need to let us know at the library desk and not put their book in the book return.

If they finish their book before their next library day and would like to come check out another library book, they are able to come down to the library at a different time than their class time to the library, as long as it is okay with their teacher. They would need to have their book with them or have turned it in already to the return bin. I need to be in the library to check the book out to them. 

When it is their library day, if they do not have their library book with them, we will give them a green half sheet of paper as a reminder to return their book, but they won’t be able to check out a new book until their last book is returned.

If a library book is lost or damaged to the point that we are unable to put it back into circulation, payment will be due to the library to replace the book. If a book is lost or damaged, please let us know or have your student let us know so we are able to try and fix it if we can and get it back onto the shelves. The sooner we know about it, the sooner we can try to fix it. If damage requiring payment occurs, we will send a note home with your student with the payment information.  The student will not be able to get a new book out until payment is made.

Feel free to email us if you have any questions regarding the library and we would love to help you.

Happy reading!!

Mrs. L.
