Welcome to the First BGS Climate Bulletin!

In this bulletin we aim to keep you up to date with BGS Eco Club news as well as important global events.

This Week COP 26 has been held in Glasgow. It is a global climate summit where world leaders are meeting to discuss the Climate Emergency

David Attenborough addressing COP26

Today the fifth day of the conference is dedicated to youth and public empowerment.

YOUNGO (The Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC) will present a global youth statement , laying out their climate actions and what they want to see from global leaders.

However, Greta Thunberg has denounced the COP26 summit for being the ‘most excluding COP ever’ and called the international conference a ‘greenwash festival’.

Ways that you can make a difference:

Join a BGS Eco Club:

Year 7&8: Tuesday 13:05 - 13:40 U6

Year 9: Friday 12:30 - 13:00 B22

Year 10 & 11: Friday 13:05 - 13:40 S6

Sixth Form Climate Committee: Monday 13:05 - 13:40 J15

Meat and dairy specifically accounts for around 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Why not take part in the Cancer Research Veg Pledge where you can take on the ultimate fundraising challenge and go vegan or vegetarian for a month to raise money for life-saving cancer research.

Save the Date!

The Year 7 & 8 Eco Club are running a Pre Loved Christmas Stall.

Find sustainable Christmas gifts and help raise money for eco charities.

The stall will be held in December - please contact Ms Thomas if you would like to help or have any donations.