For Students

Mrs. Cleaver's Reading Corner
Email Mrs. Cleaver - to get a code and pin to get free eBooks from Open eBooks. You'll need to download the app to an Apple or Android device, put in your code and pin, and select your books. You can check out 10 eBooks at a time and keep them for up to 56 days.

Warren County Public Library - Digital Books, Elementary Activities, Storytime Opportunities, and more

Barnes and Noble is offering virtual storytime. One book a week. Upcoming books include The Lorax, Little Joe Chickapig, The Great Eggscape and more.

Useful Technology Tips

Activities for Home

Catch up on the Iditarod - See the winner of this year's race, read about the chilling details of weather mishaps, and how the sled dog teams held up during the race.

Girls Who Code Online Activities - Learn how to make binary bracelets, use an online digital storyteller, and how to use Skillshare to share with others how to do a task - like make a TikTok. Don’t forget to share your projects on social media. Tag @girlswhocode #codefromhome and they might even feature you on their account!

Doodles with Mo Willems (author or the "Pigeon books")
"Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together. If you post your art to social media, be sure to hashtag it with #MoLunchDoodles!"