My dog Fin is named after a Jimmy Buffett song.

I am Aunt Yessie to this adorable human

Niece #2 is a pandemic baby & is skeptical of Aunt Yessie

My family lives in Tuscaloosa so I have Roll'd Tide since birth.

Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies & History from WKU GO TOPS!

I taught AP US History, US History, & Global Studies at Russellville High School. My students made me a better person.

A Masters degree in School Counseling brought me to BGHS in 2016.

The movie Mr. Holland's Opus inspired me to be a teacher.

I am named after the singer, Harry Chapin. I played his song Flowers Are Red on the first day of school for my students every year.

I have perfected the chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookie.

I live with these two guys. One of them is principal of BGLC and the other licks pillows. They both enjoy pepperonis.

I am the Spirit Week Queen, never to be dethroned.

Go Purples!