Research / Inquiry




Simply log-in with your Google Account!!! Gone are the days of remembering the school's username and password. **

Please visit or email Ms. Scott with questions.

**All EBSCO databases still require the use of the school username and password. Please contact Ms. Scott for the information.

Database Name

Suggested Grade


Britannica School

5 - 12

Student-Friendly Encyclopedia for beginning research

Culture Grams

5 - 12

Leading reference resource for concise, reliable cultural information on countries around the world.  World Edition, States Edition, Provinces Edition, & Kid's Edition

Discovery Education SCIENCE

5 - 12

Discovery Education videos, activities, and games

GALE: Middle School

5 - 12

Explore the most studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more.

GALE: High School

7 - 12

Access to magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference materials on a wide range of topics.

GALE: Subjects

7 - 12

Listing of more specific topics for research like Agriculture, Economics, Culinary Arts, US History, etc.

SIRS Issues Researcher

7 - 12

Full-text primary sources on current issues representing various viewpoints

Teen Health & Wellness

9 - 12

Information for teens on topics such as nutrition, mental health, drugs, relationships, and more.

Heartland Area Education Agency provides Bondurant Farrar School District access to these databases at no cost to the student or teacher.