Hello students and parents, this is where you can access weekly newsletters and any other weekly information. I look forward to the learning and year we will have. 


"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination!" Albert Einstein

Here is my Amazon wishlist. If you are able to purchase anything for our classroom I would be greatly appreciated. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1UFJDH9KN3VZZ?ref_=wl_share

Upcoming Events

5/1 Principal Appreciation Day--Western Day

5/3 Student of the Month @ Flag

5/6-5/10 Teacher Appreciation Week

5/10 Muffins with Mom @ 7:30 am

5/17 Armed Forced Day @ Flag

5/20-5/22 Awards @ Flag

5/21 Dance Party Day

5/23 Class Party @ 11:00 am; 6th grade clap out @ 11:40 am; Early Release @ 12:00 pm; Report cards go home