

Welcome to the virtual home for the Green Chemistry Connections. This site will serve a twofold purpose:

  1. Provide access to information and resources:

  • To support your work in Green Chemistry education. This site can serve as a one-stop interactive platform for Green Chemistry Tools and Resources and opportunities.

  1. Serve as a collaborative, shared repository for the Green Chemistry Connections community

    • The Discussion page will be used for discussions between meetings and to post meeting discussions

    • The Shared Resources page is a place for you to share resources with your colleagues within the Green Chemistry community globally.

    • The How to Use This Site page explains how to use this website, or get assistance, should you need it.

If you or your colleagues are unable to access this site and the content within it:
Please reach out to Natalie at natalie_oneil@beyondbenign.org

Up Next

  • 2022 - 2023 Connection Dates and Times: Sign up for the next Connection here

      • September 21th 12-2 PM ET

      • October 19th 12-2 PM ET

      • November 16th 12-2 PM ET

      • December 21st 12-2 PM ET

      • January 18th 12-2 PM ET

      • Feburary 15th 12-2 PM ET

      • March 15th 12-2 PM ET

      • April 19th 12-2 PM ET

      • May 17th 12-2 PM ET

  • Check out the Shared Resources page to explore resources shared to date or share a resource with the community.

  • Complete the Beyond Benign Annual Survey - Higher Ed Educators & Administrators - After completion of the survey, you will find a code to be entered into a giveaway as a thank you for your time!

Continue the Conversation

Questions about the Connections? Need Assistance with this site?

Contact Natalie O'Neil at natalie_oneil@beyondbenign.org

Sponsorship Opportunities

GCConnections Sponsorship Form_2022_2023.pdf