Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does it cost to participate in the program?

A: The price varies slightly year to year. Please see the registration form for the price for the upcoming year. (Typically we would link the registration form here but as of September, 2020 we do not have a start date yet for the program and thus no updated registration form).

Q: What does it cost to rent an instrument?

A: Prices vary company to company and year to year. Some companies that families frequently rent from are:

Band: K&C Music, Music and Arts, Camarda Music

Strings: Johnson Strings, Spencer Brook Strings

We recommend that you contact the companies directly to find out their pricing. More rental information for band and strings can be found on our band and strings websites.

Q: Can I receive financial aid for the program?

A: If you fill out the financial assistance paperwork and qualify, you may indeed receive financial aid that may cover part or all of the program fee.

Q: What if I can't afford to rent an instrument?

A: If you can't afford to rent an instrument, please apply for financial aid. If you qualify for financial aid, loaner instruments are loaned to students based on need and availability. Please be aware that based on availability, it's possible that students may not receive their first choice instrument. If instruments are leftover once all financial aid awards have been given, instruments may be loaned to families in need per the discretion of the teacher.

Q: Can my fourth grader participate in both strings and band?

A: Yes! Absolutely! We strongly encourage it.

Q: What other materials will my student need in order to participate?

A: In band, students will need a folding music stand, their method book ("Tradition of Excellence", Book 1 for their specific instrument), and any applicable accessories (for example, trumpet players need valve oil and tuning slide grease, etc...Please see the following link for more specific information: Equipment and Material Listing). In band, even if students receive a loaner instrument through the financial aid program to borrow, families are still responsible for acquiring these other materials.

For strings, students will need a folding stand, their method book ("Strictly Strings," Book 1 for grades 3-4 and "Strictly Strings," Book 2 for grade 5), rosin, and any applicable accessories (cellists should purchase an anchor or rock stop, and violinists and violists should purchase a sponge or shoulder rest).

Q: Should I buy an instrument for my student instead of renting?

A: We recommend renting versus buying initially, especially if the students are just starting out. Beginning instrumental students may decide down the line that they may want to switch instruments, or may not want to continue at all. With strings, students grow and will need a larger-sized instrument. If you buy instead of rent and your student changes their mind about what they're playing, you're essentially stuck with the instrument. Some companies have rent-to-own programs, too, so if your student likes their instrument, the money you paid goes towards the purchase of the instrument.

Q: We have an instrument in the family that was used by a previous family member. Can they use this one?

A: Absolutely. All we ask is that you please have your instrumental teacher check it out first to make sure that it is properly functioning.

Q: When and where are practices held?

A: In-school lessons will be held weekly at your student's school. After-school rehearsal times and locations vary year to year. Please check with the band or strings teacher directly, or the websites, for more accurate information on these locations and times.

Q: When does the program start and end?

A: Typically we try to start lessons in the 3rd or 4th week of September (the faster the registration forms and payments are turned in, the sooner we can get the schedules created and get lessons off the ground!). After school rehearsals tend to start in mid-October, but again, please check the band and/or strings websites for specifics each year.