About Me

Beth's Bespoke Petsitting is run single-handedly by me, Bethany Calhoum - here is a bit more about myself!


I worked for the Diana Brimblecombe Animal Rescue Centre as a volunteer, then member of staff from early 2010, until late 2016, giving me a lot of experience in animal husbandry and 'difficult' dogs.

I have also worked in the pet product trade for two years, giving me a great insight into training methods (I am by no means a trainer, however!) and nutrition among other skills.

Volunteering at Beale Park for two years working with the pets, primates, and reptiles, has given me great husbandry practice!

Currently, I work sporadically at Reggies Retreat, Bracknell, with lots of small furries.

Me, with my pride and joy, Dolly the minilop!

I started petsitting in 2014 and have loved every minute of it!


I am a Zoologist with a BSc (Hons) degree from Royal Holloway University of London, and have a Distinction standard Level Three Extended Diploma in Animal Management, and am animal first aid trained.

Insurance: Fully insured.


  • Research into holistic petcare, nutrition and immunology
  • Hoping to return to Flyball soon!