
Learn about celebrations at our school and with our community! 

Throughout PARP, student reading minutes will be counted and collected.

Week 1

March 6 - March 10

Once Upon a Time

Take a picture reading in the community!

Click this link OR

Week 2

March 13 - March 17

Witches and Wizards

Click Here to Design a Bookmark! 

Week 3

March 20 - March 24

Fight the Dragon

Join us the Public Library! 

Tuesday, March 21st from 5:30PM - 6:30PM

Week 4

March 27 - March 31

Happily Ever After

In-School Events 

Week 1: Assembly

Week 2: Reading Buddies 

Week 3: DEAR Time 

Week 4: Reading Spirit Week

Our Community

Week 1: Your Magical Place to Read

Take a picture of you reading in the community! 

Week 2: Design a Bookmark Contest

Click Here to Design a Bookmark! 

Week 3: Night at the Bethpage Public Library - March 21st, 5:30PM-6:30PM

Week 4: Literacy Night