Teaching Autonomy is our Responsibility 

Who are the Guardians?

The Guardians are parents and adults who are responsible for the safety of teenagers and their well-being. The education about the matter of sexual harassment is part of teenagers' safety. 

A campaign to promote open conversations with teenagers about sexual harassment to break the taboo and assure safety. 

Get Involved 

The Guardians guide to initiate conversations with teenagers about sexual harassment to create a safe sharing environment

Regulate the talk to Build a safe space for your children to seek your support.

Stay Informed

Follow our Instagram page, where we can remind you to keep in touch with your children on sexual harassment.

Teach teenagers how to set clear expectations and boundaries to protect their bodies and minds from harassers. 


Step one of protection is educating about the types of sexual harassment.


A supportive response and professional help can ensure their healing.


Assure them that it is not their fault and reassure their self-confidence. 

Click on ?

Does sharing the parent's experience of sexual harassment help? 

Click on ?

Does the age of teenagers affect the approach to sexual harassment topics?

Trusting to share experiences of sexual harassment is a process that requires patience and consistency.