Religious School

B'SHERT's Religious School is a welcoming and inclusive program that provides our children with an understanding and love for Judaism and its traditions. Children learn to appreciate the richness of Jewish heritage and to embrace the values of the Jewish faith.

Shabbat morning classes focus on community-building and Jewish learning in a lively, interactive setting. All students attend class on Saturday mornings, including Shabbat services for families and children.

Students 8 years + up have midweek Hebrew instruction, usually delivered via distance learning on Skype. Hebrew instruction is delivered chevrutah-style, with pairs of learners working intensively with the instructor. Direct instruction is supplemented with online games, quizzes and worksheets.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation includes direct instruction with the Rabbi and the rabbinic intern. Confirmation classes are taught by the Rabbi. We also have a high school program, which will be on Wednesday afternoons led by our Shinshin (Israeli teen intern).

We approach every child as an individual—from personalized Hebrew instruction to enabling them to help conduct Shabbat morning services. Our focus on each child successfully integrates children with special needs.

If you are interested in enrolling your child, you can download an application form. We also will have application forms available at our kickoff breakfast on the first day of Saturday classes.