Future WHS IB Students

Are you considering getting involved in the Willamette High School International Baccalaureate Program?

What is International Baccalaureate (IB)?

Founded in 1968, IB is a non-profit educational foundation offering four highly respected programs of international education that develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. At Willamette High School we offer students the opportunity to participate in the IB Diploma Program.

What is the IB Diploma Program (DP)?

The DP is taught in schools in over 140 countries, in one of three languages: English, French, or Spanish. In order to participate, students must attend an IB school. Students are evaluated using both internal and external assessments, and courses finish with an externally assessed series of examinations, usually consisting of two or three timed written exams. Internal assessment varies by subject: there may be oral presentations, practical work, or written work. In most cases, these are initially graded by the classroom teacher, whose grades are then verified or modified, as necessary, by an appointed external moderator.

What are your IB options at Willamette High School (WHS)?

WHS IB students have two options:

1- Take the IB classes that best suit their needs and interests.

2- Attempt the Full IB Diploma, consisting of 6 core studies (most from different disciplines) and three “core” components (Theory of Knowledge, Creativity-Action-Service, and the Extended Essay).

Each option can help provide a student with the preparation they need to be successful in the next levels of their lives.

Why do IB?

There are several reasons students decide to take IB classes. There is the lure of possible college credit (depending on a student's performance on IB assessments) and scholarships which can save both time and money. There is also demonstrated advantage in regards to college acceptance. Most importantly, however, students know the preparation they receive will allow them to succeed in college- high GPAs, admittance into great colleges and scores of college credit will mean very little without the appropriate preparation.

Please feel free to contact IB Coordinator- Jade Starr at any time in regards to the program.


IB Research