Meadow View Counselor's Corner


At Meadow View, we strive to provide a comprehensive school counseling program that is based on the American School Counselor Association's student standards: mindsets and behaviors for student success. The school counselor helps promote ALL students' social/emotional, career, and academic success through the services they provide. Providing targeted skill instruction through classroom lessons and small group instruction, responsive services (individual problem-solving and short-term counseling when needed), referrals to community agencies as needed, and systems-level support at MV and the district, as appropriate.

Students are typically identified as candidates for participating in a small group by their teacher, based on observation and data from staff related to students across settings, or across years. Parent and student voice is also a very important way to identify student needs. Students may be having challenges with big emotions, new worries, or other issues that we may not be aware of or may not present when we interact with them at school. If you think your child could benefit from small group instruction, short- term individual counseling, or you would like to talk with one of the counselors, please fill out the following form or contact a counselor during their office hours below. School counselors can provide short-term individual counseling, but if there is a more in-depth counseling need, we will provide a list of outside agencies/therapists to assist you and your child(ren).

To request consideration of your K-4th grade child for a small group, please complete this Small Group Consideration Form & Request for Short-Term Individual Counseling.

Below is a short questionnaire, Caregiver Counseling Needs Assessment K-4, to determine the counseling needs of our K-4 students. Please take a moment to fill it out, as it will help guide our program to provide the best possible services for you and our students/families.

CLICK HERE to fill out the Caregiver Counseling Needs Assessment

Bitmoji Counseling Offices

Mrs. Foytek's 4th-5th Grd Bitmoji Classroom April- Dealing with the Uncomfortable Feeling- Worry
Grades 6-8 Wed. Wellness Relaxation/Calmimg Bitmoji Classroom 3-30-21