Picture Books

Yasmin the Fashionista

While her parents are out to dinner, a bored Yasmin decides to try on some of her mother's clothes, including her new shalwar kameez, which gets ripped--but with the help of Nana, Nani, and a glue-gun, the garment gets fixed, and Yasmin puts on an impromptu fashion show when her parents get home.

Not Quite Snow White

Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted nothing more than to play Snow White in her school's musical. Excitedly, Tameika dances and sings her way through the halls. But on the day of the auditions, she overhears some kids suggesting that she is not princess material. Tamika suddenly doesn't feel quite right enough to play a perfectly poised princess.

The Good Egg

A very good egg learns to relax and not be perfect all the time.

Say Something!

A story that explores the ways a single voice can make a difference.

Pig the Slob

When Pig the pug's lifestyle of lounging on the couch and bingeing snacks and television comes to a crashing end, his daschund friend Trevor introduces the joys of jogging and eating nutritious meals.

Fresh Princess

When Destiny, the Fresh Princess, moves to a new neighborhood, she must be courageous as she makes new friends.

My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World

Henley hates to read, so his homework assignment to bring in his favorite book seems an impossible challenge--until his mother shows him a box of books he made himself when he was younger.

I Am One: A Book of Action

One child who wants to make a difference joins with another and, through a series of simple actions and others' help, succeeds in making the world a better place. Includes a mindfulness exercise and notes about the importance of taking one first step.

Be You!

A joyful celebration of individuality--and staying true to you! Be curious, Be adventurous, Be brave, 'Be you!

The Bad Seed

A bad seed who cuts in line, never washes his hands or feet, and lies.

The Cool Bean

Everyone knows the cool beans. They're sooooo cool. And then there's the uncool has-bean. Always on the sidelines, one bean unsuccessfully tries everything he can to fit in with the crowd--until one day the cool beans show him how it's done.

Waiting is Not Easy

Piggie tells Gerald she has a surprise for him, but it is not there yet so Gerald must be patient.

I Am One

One child who wants to make a difference joins with another and, through a series of simple actions and others' help, succeeds in making the world a better place. Includes a mindfulness exercise and notes about the importance of taking one first step .

The Watermelon Seed

After swallowing a watermelon seed, a crocodile imagines a scary outcome.

Poor Little Guy

An octopus gets a big surprise when he chooses to pick on a tiny fish in the ocean.

Tilly & Tank

Tilly the elephant is taking her morning stroll when she notices something strange on the horizon. Is it another elephant? The newcomer has a trunk and tail, but he's a very curious shade of green. Tank, on the other hand, notices an odd-looking creature approaching. It has a barrel and a turret, like Tank, but is a curious shade of blue. Is it a new enemy tank? Tank's alarm sounds and he goes BOOM, scaring Tilly off. But when Tilly returns with a flower, Tank begins to understand that she might not be an enemy at all.

Angus All Aglow

A young child can hear color and is enamored with his grandmother's beaded necklace, in spite of the reservations of those around him.

Just Ask!

A story in which friends who have different abilities, work together to build a community garden.

First Laugh

A Navajo family welcomes a new baby into the family with love and ceremony, eagerly waiting for that first special laugh. Includes brief description of birth customs in different cultures.

Phoenix Goes to School

With encouragement from her mother, teacher, and a fellow student, Phoenix, who was assigned male at birth but identifies as female, finds the courage to face the first day of school.

Fauja Singh Keeps Going

The inspiring true story of Fauja Singh, who broke world records to become the first one hundred-year-old to run a marathon, shares valuable lessons on the source of his grit, determination to overcome obstacles, and commitment to positive representation of the Sikh community.

My Papi Has a Motorcycle

When Daisy Ramona zooms around her neighborhood with her papi on his motorcycle, she sees the people and places she's always known. She also sees a community that is rapidly changing around her.

Love is Love

Teased for having two fathers, a boy views his friend's traditional family as similar to his own and realizes he can counter the ridicule by taking pride in his fathers and the love that makes them a family.