When reading fictional texts students will be asking and answering questions, recounting stories and summarizing information, while also describing character traits, feelings, and motivations to explain the order of events in a ficitional text. Students will also compare and contrast story elements across a series and determine their own point of view using information from a text.
Students reading non-ficiton texts will develop their understanding of main idea and key details to summarize a text and also compare and contrast main idea and key details between similiar information. Students will also determine the different types of non-ficiton texts, along with describing the text structure. Students will use text features and search tools to expand their knowledge on a topic.
Students will develop their foundational reading skills by developing their reading vocabulary by using specific literary terms to discuss topics and concepts. Students will also continue to practice decoding words, identifying and understanding word parts. Students will also continue to enhance their reading stamina and fluency.
Students reading non-ficiton texts will develop their understanding of main idea and key details to summarize a text and also compare and contrast main idea and key details between similiar information. Students will also determine the different types of non-ficiton texts, along with describing the text structure. Students will use text features and search tools to expand their knowledge on a topic.
Students will develop their foundational reading skills by developing their reading vocabulary by using specific literary terms to discuss topics and concepts. Students will also continue to practice decoding words, identifying and understanding word parts. Students will also continue to enhance their reading stamina and fluency.
In writing this year students will learn how to write opinion pieces and use reasons to support their thinking. Students will also write informational pieces to convey ideas about a topic they believe they are an "expert" on. Third graders will also develop narrative pieces with dialogue, description words, and a sequence of events. Third graders will also conduct research projects that allows them to gather information and take notes on a reliable source.
Students in third grade will progress as writers by creating organized writing pieces that include planning, revising, and editing.
Students in third grade will progress as writers by creating organized writing pieces that include planning, revising, and editing.
In third grade math students will develop their mathematical skills within domains. These domains are Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Fractions, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.
Throughout the year students will expand their mathematical knowledge by learning subtraction facts to twenty, along with multiplication and divison facts. Students will learn double digit additon and subtraction, fractions of a whole number, as fair shares, and fractions on a number line, different types of graphs and data collection, time, mass, volume, identifying shapes, and finding area and perimeter. Students will also read, understand, and solve word problems within 100 using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divison. Studdents will explore the connection between multiplication, division, area and fractions. Students will also continue to develop their understanding of place value.
Students will learn a multitude of strategies and models to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Students will also expand their mathemtical terminiology by using vocabulary when explaining or writint about their mathematical thinking.
Students will develop their understanding of basic multiplication and fact fluency skills over the course of the school year.
Throughout the year students will expand their mathematical knowledge by learning subtraction facts to twenty, along with multiplication and divison facts. Students will learn double digit additon and subtraction, fractions of a whole number, as fair shares, and fractions on a number line, different types of graphs and data collection, time, mass, volume, identifying shapes, and finding area and perimeter. Students will also read, understand, and solve word problems within 100 using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divison. Studdents will explore the connection between multiplication, division, area and fractions. Students will also continue to develop their understanding of place value.
Students will learn a multitude of strategies and models to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Students will also expand their mathemtical terminiology by using vocabulary when explaining or writint about their mathematical thinking.
Students will develop their understanding of basic multiplication and fact fluency skills over the course of the school year.
In science, students will learn how to carry out investigations, develop and use models, interpret Data and explain what it means, make a claim about a concept and support it with evidence, make predicitons using scientific evidence, and use the steps of the engineer practices.
Topics and concepts students will learn about in science this year are the lifestyles of animals, enviornments and triats of organisms, how organisms change over time, weather versus climate, and Objects in Motion.
Topics and concepts students will learn about in science this year are the lifestyles of animals, enviornments and triats of organisms, how organisms change over time, weather versus climate, and Objects in Motion.