
"Free to Read"

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What is #BHSreads?

As a part of Bethel High School's ongoing encouragement of lifelong readers, students will select at least one title/selection to read over the summer and participate in discussion groups at the beginning of the new school year.

This year's theme is "Free to Read." Students should read a selection from the "Looking for Ideas?" lists over the summer and come prepared to participate in a collaborative discussion group led by both faculty and student facilitators during the first weeks of school. Students should feel free to take notes on their selected titles over the summer in preparation for these discussions and focus their attention on the theme of freedom of information. Students can contact a #BHSreads committee member with any questions regarding the program (Ms. Troetti, Ms. Wismar, Ms. Taborsak, and Mr. Sarrazin).

Please note that students enrolled in honors and AP English courses for the 2019-20 school year will have additional and/or alternate required reading and associated assignments to complete.

Please see our webpage for Honors/AP Summer Reading for details and assignments.