Robot Design

Team Designed Robot (ALL COMPETITIONS)

You will design and review a Team robot in all BEST Competition formats. You will only build the physical robot from this design in the Classic or Classroom competitions.

Designed based on the Game Specific Rules

The same robot design activity, regardless of the competition. (ONLINE COMPETITION has no construction/manufacturing).

This robot design should include software development, modeling, prototyping, and/or simulation.

The robot design details are presented during the Robot Critical Design Review.

This is the robot design that is judged for Creative Design and Most Robust Design.

This is the robot referenced in the Engineering Notebook, Marketing Presentation and Team Exhibit activities.

This is the robot design that the team will attempt to model in the Robot Modeling Challenge.

This is the robot design that the team will document in the Engineering Drawings Challenge.

VIRTUAL ROBOT (online competition or Autonomous Challenge)

In the Online Competition or the Autonomous Programming Challenge, a virtual robot is also provided.

  • Provided with the virtual game field.

  • Used ONLY with the virtual field

    • Robot Performance time trials = Autonomous Programming Challenge time trials

  • Includes the robot functionality required to play the game on the virtual field.

  • Not extensively modifiable by the team. Some configurability (chassis/wheel size, wheel spacing, mass/weight of each).

  • This is a platform for software development/programming. No new hardware design involved.

  • Programming this robot requires an understanding of the Autonomous Programming Challenge objectives.

  • This robot is used to evaluate teams' programming skills, game strategy and performance in the ONLINE COMPETITION