
Mr. Lawson

I am fortunate to be married to the woman of my dreams, Shari Lawson. I fell in love the moment I saw her, but it took a couple months to win her over. We have been married since 2012 and have two children, a boy, Will, and girl, Clara. We also have adopted a yellow-lab mix, Sadie, and a calico cat, Daisy.

Teaching is a second career for me but my passion. I bring a lot of life experience to my classroom and focus on preparing my students for success. While I was more focused on athletics than coursework, many of my teachers took the time to invest in my education. Their influence has continued to guide me through heartbreaks and triumphs over the years, allowing me to shape a life that I love. I am thankful to be able to pay-forward the valuable lessons that I was taught by my incredible teachers.

I earned my Bachelor's Degree in 2014 and my Master's Degree in 2017, both in English from the University of Texas at San Antonio. My research interests--and more importantly, my focus as a student with excellent teachers--have always been geared towards teaching, including coursework in Rhetoric and Composition as well as Educational Psychology.

I still have an active mind and love to learn. I read all of the time, both online and in books. I have a wide variety of hobbies and interests, including: woodworking, building computers, gaming, making things, playing sports (especially basketball), and lifting weights/exercising. I love to travel and have been fortunate to see a lot of the US and travel a bit in Europe. My wife and I plan to see the world together and look forward to travelling for medical mission trips, especially in Africa.