Buckeye Elementary School District

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District PLC Overview

District PLCs 23-24 (Overview)

What is Project Momentum?

Project Momentum represents a powerful organization and implementation of best practice processes and strategies to improve student achievement.  It comes with access to unparalleled resources and expert consultation to go along with current efforts, but also with a full embrace of high expectations for student growth during the two year initial cycle.

What are the Goals?

What role do site leaders play?

Leaders establish belief, expect and monitor for results, and inspire their staffs to effectively collaborate for learning.  Successful principals develop a belief that the adults on the campus cause learning (collective efficacy), and when it does not occur at the rate they would like, do something, by responding strategically and with purpose.  Principals lead and monitor PLC processes, and ensure appropriate staff engagement, including the leveraging of building and district expertise to ensure success. 

What role do coaches play?

Coaches are experts in content and pedagogy, and are expected to support  the full implementation of Professional Learning Communities by serving as a facilitator, and to drive conversations around student performance and reflection.  Coaches should be in classrooms, modeling best practices, and coach staff on the specific skills and knowledge that relate to team goals.   In the end, coaches are integral to school success and are expected to be a powerful lever for school improvement.

On what research is it based?

Project Momentum is built upon a collection of work that educators are very familiar with.  This includes a heavy emphasis PLC work by Richard and Becky DuFour, as well as John Hattie, Robert Marzano, Rick Stiggins and Mike Schmoker.

What have been the
results elsewhere?

The results, to date, have been impressive.  On top of the earliest results from Virginia, Arizona school districts that have participated have seen some stunning results.  To learn more about some of the outcomes at a neighboring school and district, consider reading the case of Wildflower Elementary in Avondale.

Where can I find all
of the resources?

All of the Project Moment Resources are housed in a dedicated Google Drive Folder.  There is also a subfolder where you can upload Project Momentum related items that you would like to share with your colleagues!  Click here to access the folder.

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