Spanish 1

The main methods I use to teach this course are called TPR (Total Physical Response) and TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling). TPR is a method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input. The process mimics the way that infants learn their first language, and it reduces student inhibitions and lowers stress. The purpose of TPR is to create a brain link between speech and action to boost language and vocabulary learning.

TPRS is a philosophy and a set of tools that teaches vocabulary in a highly comprehensible and contextualized manner. It provides a vehicle for students to acquire grammar structures and vocabulary by hearing, seeing, acting out, retelling, revising, and rewriting interesting stories. My goal is to have students “think in the target language.” These easy to follow stories and illustrations help students to think in Spanish. TPRS also allows for endless variety. Students add humor, creativity and originality to each class story and to their own original stories.

Students will begin to develop an “ear” for language. By allowing them to acquire the language naturally, fluency is promoted. This method eliminates the need to memorize lengthy vocabulary lists and complex grammar rules. This lowers the level of stress, enhances fluency, invites participation and increases motivation.

Essential Learning Outcomes


Description of Participation grade

Description of Listening Assignment

Description of Reading Assignment

Language Learning Myths

Spanish Reading and Language Acquisition

Spanish Names

Vocabulary Lists

Spanish Alfabet

Greeting and Goodbyes

Top 25 Essential Spanish Verbs

AR Verb Conjugation Power point

TPR Kahoot Games

TPR Cartoon Strips Lessons 1-12 (Insert PDF's here)

Ch. 1 El Gato



counting by 10's to 100

Counting by 100's to 1000

Ch. 2 El Mono y La Vaca

100 Most common Spanish words