Fiscal Services

Certain fiscal services must continue, even during times of school closure. The necessary operations that must continue at all times include the following: payroll, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. In the event our business office employees who are currently responsible for these services are out of the offices due to illness or quarantine, we have additional staff trained in the district who can perform these operations. If school is closed to all personnel, BSD will ensure ongoing essential fiscal series through the following processes:

  • The district treasurer has a secure VPN to work from home, which will allow for seamless continuation of payroll.

  • Most of our financial business is done through direct deposit.

  • For employees needing paper checks, checks will be printed from a remote location and mailed to the employee.

  • An employee will be designated for accounts payable and receivable.

  • The mail will be picked up from the post office each day, and all bills will be paid promptly.

  • Any accounts receivable money issued through the mail will be deposited the same day.