Do you have ideas about how to improve TEA Time or the wellness of Ridge High School? Are there issues related to character, kindness, or community that you wish the school would address? Then here's your chance! Next year, we want to get more students involved with TEA Time, and that could mean YOU! To let us know you'd like to be considered, fill out this interest form (also featured below).

Not sure about joining US in particular? Here are some other student- and staff-generated ideas on how you can get involved and make your community a better place. :)

Lesson 2 Opportunities.pdf

What IS TEA Time?

The mission of the RHS wellness program is to foster responsible behavior, good citizenship, and individual development for all stakeholders.  This is a home-grown, self-led program designed and implemented by Ridge High School staff members.  We firmly believe that making space -- both in terms of time and physical areas -- for discussions and opportunities to enact our character will benefit not only each individual, but also the community of Basking Ridge and beyond.

What does TEA Time entail?

TEA Time has two main components:

Same Day Programming

We offer engaging, pointed curriculum and programming for students to dive deep into what it means to be aware of themselves, their peers, and their communities.  These sessions will focus on developing key skills and traits that are essential for demonstrating their character and drive in the real world.

Building-Wide Culture

Besides these targeted programs, we also facilitate building-wide branding and recognition programs meant to further stress the importance of these practices and the development of habits and skills.  These efforts include:

Why TEA Time?

Building strong character is an essential aspect to the development of SEL and CASEL competencies in students today.  It was, in fact, an integral part of education in the United States in the 18th century, and then has waxed and waned in prominence since then due to societal changes.  We are fortunate to be seeing a resurgence in the acceptance of its importance due to new research regarding SEL strategies' impact on student success and the idea of educating the "Whole Child."  In the end, challenging our students to develop their character is a way to reduce disciplinary issues, foster positive relationships, and promote a sense of community within our building -- and the community as a whole!  It is our dearest hope that these efforts will benefit the mindsets and wellness of all of our stakeholders.