Ridge High School
Department of School Counseling 

Welcome to Ridge High School Counseling

Ridge High School Counseling Department

268 South Finley Avenue

Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Phone:  908-204-2585

Fax:  908-552-7393
CEEB Code:  310050 

Counselors are here to support you.

Your counselors are here to support you.  Explore our site for numerous resources and information, and contact your counselor at any time with questions or for an appointment. 

Quick Links

Community Service

College Planning Events

Naviance Log-in

Option II

Program of Studies 2024-2025

School Profile (Accessible Version Here)

Senior Packet

Summer Programs/Opportunities List

Transcript Release/Counselor Waiver Form 
(for current Ridge seniors requesting transcripts for the purposes of college admissions)

Transcript Release Form - General
(for all other general transcript release requests i.e., for special program or scholarships, including Ridge Alumni transcript requests)

Tutor List

Working Papers

Department Staff Contact Information
All email addresses are @bernardsboe.com

Mrs. Stephanie Smith, Director, stephaniesmith@ - 908.204.2585, x119
        Mrs. Karen Smith, Administrative Assistant, ksmith@ - 908.204.2585,  x124

Ms. Marguerite Cahill, Counselor, mcahill@ - 908.204.2585, x114
Ms. Dominique Coviello, Counselor, dcoviello@ - 908.204.2585, x112
Mrs. Linda Cuccaro, Counselor, lcuccaro@ - 908.204.2585, x117
Ms. Ryan Hughes, Counselor, ryanhughes@ - 908.204.2585, x118
Mrs. Sydney McGivney, Counselor, smcgivney@ - 908.204.2585, x109
Ms. Rebecca Muraview, Counselor, rmuraview@ - 908.204.2585, x113
Mrs. Jackie Treanor, Counselor, jtreanor@ - 908.204.2585, x116
Ms. Margaret Wu, Counselor, mwu@ - 908.204.2585, x111

Mrs. Rebecca Fritzky (Tritt), Student Assistance Counselor, rtritt@ - 908.204.2585, x 145
Mr. Chad Gillikin, Student Assistance Counselor, cgillikin@ - 908.204.2585, x 105

Mrs. Sharon Good, Administrative Assistant, sgood@ - 908.204.2585, x 106
Mrs. Roma Martin, Administrative Assistant, rmartin@ - 908.204.2585, x 108
Mrs. Michele Vitiello, Student Information System Manager, mvitiello@ - 908.204.2585, x126

School Counselors and Student Assistance Counselors are always here to help you during school hours as a safe place to talk.  Your mental health and well-being are extremely important to us.  Please email your counselor for an appointment, and/or visit the counseling office for an appointment.  During weekends, extended breaks, or after-school hours when your counselor is not available, there are resources to support you.  If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency, always call 9-1-1.  If you need mental health support and are not in crisis, you can access these resources on our Wellness Page.