Oak Street School

Community Hub

Thank you OS PTO for the

"Chalk the Walk" Project!

Walk the Chalk.m4v

The Pledge of Allegiance

Click here watch a video of Ms. Foley explaining how to submit a Pledge of Allegiance video for the morning announcements.

Click the icon above to visit the Elementary Counseling Website



Coming Back to School Video!

We are so excited to have you back at school! Watch the video above to learn about how we are staying safe while having fun and learning together!

12 Days of Christmas COMPLETE.m4v

The Twelve Days of Christmas OS Style!

A sing-a-long tradition at Oak Street!

Thank you Mrs. Rymer and all the wonderful staff for keeping it alive during this crazy year.

OSS 5th Grade Band Holiday Show.mov

5th Grade Band Holiday Show

Watch our amazing 5th grade band members AND Mrs. Whitley perform favorite holiday hits!