Bernards Township School District

Science, Technology & Digital Literacy Department

Department Contact Information

Mr. Thomas Misiak

District Science, Technology & Digital Literacy Supervisor

908-204-2585 x164

ProGram Evluations

Please click HERE to access Science & Technology Program Evaluations

Staff Course Pages

All staff websites are now accessible through both the student & parent portals in Genesis. For any questions regarding assignments and grades please reach out directly to the teacher via the contact information on the Genesis Course Pages. Please know that, given the use of Google Classroom, that most Course Pages are minimalistic and that the bulk of class announcemnts and course resources are available to students via Google Classroom.

BOE Policy Regarding Non-Mandated Student Records

The District maintains non-mandated student records until they are no longer necessary to provide educational services to a student. Student work and other classroom artifacts not returned to students during the school year (such as tests, quizzes, essays and art projects) may be disposed of by the District after September 15th of the following school year, subject to reasonable attempts to obtain parent or adult student consent.


This notice is to make you aware of legislation allowing public school students to choose not to participate in certain experiments involving animals. Public school pupils from kindergarten through grade 12 may refuse to dissect, vivisect, incubate, capture or otherwise harm or destroy animals or any parts thereof as part of a course of instruction. The law requires schools to provide alternative education projects for those students who choose to “opt out” of these activities.

Schools are required to notify pupils and their parents or guardians of a pupil’s right to decline to dissect, vivisect, incubate, capture or otherwise harm or destroy animals or any parts thereof as part of a course of instruction. If you wish to have your son or daughter “opt out” of these experiences you must notify the school district, in writing, within 2 weeks from the start of the school year. Please be aware that, due to issues with the coordination and purchasing of materials for alternate lessons on a district wide level, no exceptions will be made to this date.