Part of the Capstone experience is the exhibit. On Exhibition Day Capstone students will display artifacts and information that they have collected which will help present their research to others. 


Your booth will display information, artifacts, and experiences to visually engage your audience.


Your interactions with your exhibit visitors are informal and allow for conversations where they can ask questions and personally explore your topic.


Your artifacts allow the audience to interact with art, demos, equipment, and additional items that help them learn about your topic.


Class of 2024 Exhibition Day - January 10th

During the School Day

Students will be scheduled throughout the school day to present their research in a small group setting with teachers and students. Students will also showcase their exhibits where students and staff will talk with them about their topic and look over the artifacts chosen to help support their research.

Evening Exhibition

In the evening, from 6:00 - 7:15 pm, students will showcase their exhibit for family and the community to visit. Also, some students will hold presentation sessions for the community to view.