Jewish-American Heritage Reading Lists

Banner Image: "Russian Ballet" by Max Weber, Brooklyn Museum

These reading lists, organized by grade level, represent recently published books that celebrate Jewish-American heritage, affirm identity, and promote cultural awareness. Sharing these books is one part of our effort to develop a diverse consciousness with and for our youth and ensure they know they are not alone, and that they can speak out to help stop the spread of bigotry.

Preschool-TK List

K-1st Grade List

2nd-3rd Grade List

4th-5th Grade List

Middle School

High School

How do I read these books?

Many of these books are available through Berkeley school libraries as a physical and/or ebook. For more information about any of these books, or to check one of them out, ask your school librarian.

For more information and instructions on accessing ebooks and audiobooks, visit our Digital Books page.

At a time when so many small businesses are struggling to keep their doors open, we also encourage folks to support our local bookstores: 

Ashay by the Bay, Bandung Books, Eastwind Books, Marcus Books, Moe’s Books, Mr. Mopps, Books Inc., Pegasus Books and Mrs. Dalloways.