Tele-Immersion Experiments


From 2005 to 2008 Wymore worked with Professor Ruzena Bajscy and Gregorij Kurillo in The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute (CITRIS) Tele-Immersion lab in the Hearst Mining Building at UC Berkeley. Together they worked on creating the Portable Tele-Immersion lab that was set up in the Z-Lab space and was utilized in several performances. Tele-Immersion focuses on creating  co-presence within virtual environments, a very early precursor to current shared video environments that we utilize for conferencing. However, Tele-Immersion involved the use of an array of 30+ 3D cameras that captured fully dimensional images in real time. This allowed for virtual 3D images of people and objects, from different locations, to meet and interact  in the virtual landscape in real time. Research included an ongoing collaboration with the University of Illinois, Champaign Urbana, with Professor Klara Nahrstedt and choreographer/multi-media artist Renta Sheppard.

Working in Ruzena Bajcsy's Tele-Immersion Lab, 2005

Lisa Wymore and Renata Sheppard in the Portable Tele-Immersion Lab, 2006

Images from "The Reception" created with concepts derived working in Ruzena Bajscy's Tele-Immersion Lab, 2007

Working in the Portable Tele-Immersion Lab for the piece "Panorama: Multimedia Happening" in the Pauley Ballroom - a collaboration with Cal Performances and the Merce Cunningham Company, 2008

Working in the Portable Tele-Immersion Lab for the piece "Panorama: Multimedia Happening" in the Pauley Ballroom - a collaboration with Cal Performances and the Merce Cunningham Company, 2008

Working in the Portable Tele-Immersion Lab for the piece "Panorama: Multimedia Happening" in the Pauley Ballroom - a collaboration with Cal Performances and the Merce Cunningham Company, 2008

Poster for Panorama:Merce Cunningham.pdf