Keynotes and Workshops

Friday Night- 7:30 PM

Preparing our hearts to Be with God

Fr. Robert Elias Barcelos, O.C.D.

Upon their first encounter with Jesus, his soon to be disciples asked

him: “Where do you stay (abide)?” Jesus’s response was not a matter of a

physical place, but a way of life and being, an abiding in the Father.

Fr. Robert Elias will help us reflect on being with God to prepare our hearts for this conference, leading us to abide with Him in a Holy Hour.

Saturday Morning - 10:45 AM

Keynote 1: To-Being

Fr. Brad Elliot, O.P.

Since God is "being" itself, pure esse, His love is a pure act of creative power. God does not love us because we were first good; we are good because He first loved goodness into us.

Fr. Brad will dive into what this means for us and how it affects our disposition in life.

Saturday Afternoon - 1:00 PM

Workshop 1: To Be at the Foot of the Cross

Fr. Joseph Karam, C.B.

Whatever sufferings, pain, and crises we may be going through are often out of our control. However, we can choose the way in which we respond.

Fr. Joseph will give insights on how to approach suffering and how to find hope through it all.

Saturday Afternoon - 4:00 PM

Keynote 2: Knowing God

Christopher D. Owens

Who can comprehend the “breadths and lengths, the depths and heights” of God? In this talk, we explore our capacity for knowing God, why we would want to, whether we can know God truly, and how to in fact know God. Our objective is to become theologians – not necessarily in the academic sense, but in the sense of St. Anselm, who defines theology as “Fides quaerens intellectum”: faith seeking understanding.

Saturday Evening - 7:30 PM

Approaching Christ in the Sacraments

Most Reverend Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.

Confession can be intimidating, especially if it has been a while since you have gone. Bishop Barber will give us instruction and advice on approaching Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Sunday Afternoon - 12:00 PM

Keynote 3: Being Still

Sr. Magdalit Bolduc, C.B.

Were you ever given practical tips on how to pray? It is hard to stand motionless in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Our faculties often go wild.

Sr Magdalit will share her experience and give guidelines that might help your hour of adoration.

Sunday Afternoon - 1:00 PM

Women’s Workshop: Mary, Model and Agent of Feminine Holiness

Sr. Rene Noel, O.P.

Sr. Rene Noel will lead us through Mary's life in the Gospel of Luke, and, tying in her own experiences, pull out three main themes of feminine sanctity: receptivity, joy, and compassion. We will look at our Blessed Mother as a model of these traits and how they, though part of everyone's holiness, are exemplified in women in a special way.

Sunday Afternoon - 1:00 PM

Men’s Workshop: Fatherhood: the Perfection of Manhood

Fr. Justin Jesusmarie Alarcon, C.F.R

God exemplifies manhood in so many ways, especially through Jesus as Son, Steward, Bridegroom, and Suffering Servant. But the distinct head of the Holy Trinity is God the Father. Fr. Justin is going to focus on true masculinity through the lens of Fatherhood.

Sunday Afternoon - 3:15 PM

Keynote 4: Cultivating Listening

Fr. Matthias Lambrecht, O.C.D.

A lot of times, when we think of prayer, we think of speaking to God, asking for something or giving thanks. But do we create the space for Him to speak to us? Fr. Matthias will lead us through practicals to quiet our hearts to make room for listening.

Sunday Afternoon - 4:30 PM

Workshop 3: Being in Prayer

Fr. Thomas Koller, O.C.D.

“But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” - Mt. 6:6

How many times are we performative in prayer? Prayer, at its core, is a simple heart-to-heart with our Lord. In this workshop, we’ll practice that loving colloquy with God that is prayer.