
Bhavna Sud

"I am a junior studying EECS here at Berkeley. In my free time, I like to watch reality tv, Kdramas, and Bollywood movies. Brian and I worked on the CV part of the project, as well as writing the code to generate the structure world and the exploration world. We mainly did pair programming, and we brainstormed ideas together for the filtering algorithm."

Aatif Jiwani

"I'm a 4th-year EECS student at UC Berkeley and am personally invested in Deep Learning research specifically geared towards video captioning tasks and building footprint extraction. In my spare time I love playing the Assassin's Creed series as well as hanging out with the homies. For this project, I worked with Nicholas to focus on the Kinematics portion where I worked primarily on the development of the nodes that faciliate picking and placing blocks using ArUco and MoveIt."

Brian Yu

"Hi friends! I'm a 3rd year EECS student here at Berkeley. I'm really interested in cognitive science (particularly towards the direction of an artificial general intelligence) and algorithms in computer science. Outside of school and work, I enjoy watching Starcraft 2 tournaments and contributing to my club HKN."

Nicholas Figueira

"Hi! I'm a 3rd year EECS student at Berkeley. Aatif and I worked together on the Kinematics portion of the project, specifically finding block locations, navigation, and picking and placing blocks."