Mental Health & Wellness


For Faculty and Staff

Anonymous online screenings for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress. The screenings may help you determine whether seeking professional consultation would be of benefit to you. These free screenings are available to all UC Berkeley students, staff and faculty members and are taken anonymously.

University Health Services page of resources on mental health, both local and national article: "50 Resources to Support the Mental Health of Teachers and School Staff". This has an extensive list of links to organizations, articles, and apps to assist educators.

For Faculty Helping Students

Anonymous online screenings for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress. The screenings may help you determine whether seeking professional consultation would be of benefit to you. These free screenings are available to all UC Berkeley students, staff and faculty members and are taken anonymously.

The "Gold Folder" guide for faculty in helping students in distress

University Health Services page of resources on mental health, both local and national

Mental health resources for students, provided by Lecturer Carmen Acevedo Butcher, including triage phone numbers and other support services