
New Arctic & Digital Ocean Workshop

Wednesday, 19 June

I. Arrival & Reception [Trondheim]


Opening reception at Lorckstuene (Trondheim Public Library), Kjøpmannsgata 20, Trondheim​, 19.00. Note: this is a separate entrance from the main library entrance; make sure to use this address.

Thursday, 20 June

II. Morning Session [NTNU]

[Note: All NTNU workshop sessions will be held at Kalvskinnet Akrinn 3. etasje Møterom T03.504 - TBM302 / Kalvskinnet Akrinn Building, 3rd floor Meeting room T03.504 - TBM302. For precise directions, please refer to this map.]


Workshop Introduction [9.00-9.30]

    • Welcome, project background, and workshop framing: Michael Watts* (UC Berkeley), Arthur Mason* (NTNU); Alexander Arroyo* (UC Berkeley), Berit Kristoffersen* (University of Tromsø, Arctic Center)

Guest Presentations: Assembling the Digital Ocean I – Perspectives from Engineering & Computer Science [9.30-10.30]

    • Knut Høyland (NTNU)
    • Eric Monteiro (NTNU)

––––– Coffee –––––

Workshop Participant Introductions [11.00-12.00]

    • Nabil Ahmed (NTNU)
    • Alexander Dodge (NTNU)
    • Jessica Lehman (Durham University)
    • Kim Ménage (NTNU)
    • Hanna Musiol (NTNU)
    • Kjerstin Uhre (Dahl & Uhre Architects/Oslo School of Architecture and Design)

––––– NTNU Transport to Equinor –––––

III. Afternoon Session [Equinor Research Center]

12.30 – 16.00

Site visit to Equinor Research Center, Arkitekt Ebbells veg 10, 7053 Ranheim, facilitated by Vidar Hepsø (NTNU/Principal Researcher, Equinor)

Lunch in Equinor building café [12.30-13.15]

Equnior Presentations [13.15-16.00]

    • Vidar Hepsø (NTNU/Principal Researcher, Equinor)
    • Anders Hermansen (Principal Researcher, environmental technologies, sustainability/climate)
    • Ingunn Nilssen (Principal Researcher, environmental technologies, sustainability/climate)
    • Randi Hagemann (advisor, environmental technologies, sustainability/climate)

Return to Trondheim/Sosiologisk Poliklinikk

––––– NTNU Transport to Sosiologisk Poliklinikk –––––

IV. Evening Session [Sosiologisk Poliklinikk]


Oceanic Openings: New Economic, Technological & Geopolitical Frontiers in the Arctic and Beyond

Public Panel @ Sosiologisk Poliklinikk, Brattørgata 8, 7010, Trondheim

    • Introductory comments on Sosiologisk Poliklinikk
    • Moderators/Discussants:
      • Berit Kristoffersen
      • Michael Watts
    • Panelists/Presenters:
      • Panel 1: Kjerstin Uhre, Silje Lundberg, Berit Kristoffersen (discussant)
      • Panel 2: Nabil Ahmed, Jessica Lehman, Michael Watts (discussant)
      • Open discussion

––––– Dinner @ Øx tap room –––––


Friday, 21 June

V. Morning Session [NTNU]


Workshop Day 2 Agenda [9.00-9.15]

Guest Presentations: Assembling the Digital Ocean II – Perspectives from Marine Science & Technology [9.15-10.30]

    • Ingrid Ellingsen (SINTEF Oceans)
    • Petter Norgren (AMOS)
    • Open discussion

––––– Coffee –––––

Guest Presentations: Approaching the New Arctic through the Environmental Humanities [11.00-12.00]

    • Siri Granum Carson (Philosophy, NTNU)
    • Hanna Musiol (Environmental Humanities, NTNU, ISL & NTNU ARTEC)
    • Open discussion

––––– Lunch –––––

VI. Afternoon Session [NTNU]

14.00 – 16.00

Review + Planning [14.00-15.30]

    • Opening comments by Michael Watts
    • Review of NADO Workshop 1 (UC Berkeley) & scope of future collaborations by Alexander Arroyo
    • Open discussion

Wrap-up [15.30-16.00]

    • Summary of workshop themes, outcomes, and planning priorities
    • Looking forward: Individual and collective activities, comments by Arthur Mason

––––– Break –––––

VII. Closing Reception [Kunsthall Trondheim]


Closing reception w/ guests @ Kunsthall Trondheim, Kongens gate 2, co-sponsored by NTNU Oceans & NTNU Department of Anthropology.

    • Kunsthall Trondheim celebrates the end of the NADO Workshop with an introduction to the summer exhibition, mind moves with matter, body blends into space.
    • Welcome by Malin Ravn, Chair, NTNU Department of Anthropology & Michael Watts


Workshop Locations

You may also view these locations on the Map page.