Spring '24 Workshop Resources - More Information to Come!

Please feel free to look through last year's schedule and resources to get an idea of how we structure our workshop and what resources we provide. 

RRP Workshop Schedule


Make a copy of our fillable Workbook document for the workshops!

Recordings and Slides

2/2/22 – Introduction to Lab Culture and Expectations

2/9/22 – Getting the Most Out of Your Research Experience

2/16/22 – Balancing Coursework and Research Time Demands

2/23/22 – An Introduction to Resilience and Wellness/Cognitive Distortions and Imposter Fears

3/2/22 – Self Advocacy and Assertiveness

3/9/22 – Getting the Most Out of Your Mentoring Relationships

3/16/22 – The Do's and Don'ts of Asking for a Letter of Recommendation and Preparing a Science Resume