CNA Working group Fall 2021

The fall semester 2021 working group will be on preconditioners. We plan to study mainly multigrid and algebraic preconditioners and try to find connections between those.

Organizers are Noel Walkington, Yangwen Zhang and Franziska Weber.

The working group takes place on Tuesdays during the semester at 2.30pm in Wean Hall 7218 or alternatively over zoom (email us if you want the zoom link).


Sept 7, 2021: Organizational meeting

Sept 14, 2021: Introductory lecture by Noel Walkington

Sept 21, 2021: The V-cycle multigrid  and related methods, part I (Franziska Weber)

Sept 28, 2021: The V-cycle multigrid  and related methods, part II (Franziska Weber)

Oct 5, 2021: The V-cycle multigrid  and related methods, part III (Franziska Weber): We'll prove the technical lemma that results in the error estimate for the V-cycle multigrid method.

Oct 12, 2021: Domain decomposition methods: The foundations, part I (David Shirokoff): We study the paper by P.L. Lions: On the Schwarz Alternating Method III: A Variant for Nonoverlapping Subdomains.

Oct 19, 2021: Domain decomposition methods: The foundations, part II (David Shirokoff)

Oct 26, 2021: Domain decomposition methods: The foundations, part III (David Shirokoff)

Nov 9, 2021: Domain decomposition methods: The foundations, part IV (David Shirokoff)

Nov 16, 2021: Noel presents Susanne Brenner's paper `The condition number of the Schur complement in domain decomposition'

Nov 30, 2021: Noel continues to present Susanne Brenner's paper `The condition number of the Schur complement in domain decomposition'
