
Current Members

Daniel Stolper

Associate Professor: I'm originally from Pasadena, CA and have been at Berkeley since 2017 in the Department of Earth and Planetary Science and affiliated with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

You can reach me at

Google Scholar


Ziman Wu

PhD Student (2021-present)

BS Geology, Nanjing University (2020)

Ziman is co-advised by me and Don DePaaolo. With me, Ziman is working on understanding the formation and diagenesis of carbonate mud using the Bahamas as a type system. Ziman is also developing the CruchFlow model framework to work with carbonate clumped isotopes. She will also be working on developing and applying the carbonate 17O measurements in our lab. 

Nina Golombek

Postdoctoral Scholar (2024-present)

PhD Dalhousie University (2024)

Nina is co-advised with Todd Dawson in the Department of Integrative Biology. She is working on clumped isotopes of wood in the present and past.

Renée Wang

Postdoctoral Scholar (2023-present)

PhD Caltech (2023).

Renée is co-advised with Patrich Shih in the Department of Plant and Molecular Biology. She is working on studying the kinetic isotope effects of Rubisco.

Flora Hochscheid

Postdoctoral Scholar (2023-present)

PhD Université de Strasbourg (2022).

Flora is working on studying the equlibrium and kinetic isotope effects associated with interactions between molecluar hydrogen and water.

Jonathan Gropp

EMBO Postdoctoral Scholar (2022-present)

PhD Chemical Science, Weizmann Institute (2022).

Jonathan is co-advised with Dipti Nayak in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. He is conducting experiments using genetically tractable methanogenic strains to better understand the processes that control the isotopic composition of microbial methane.

Laurent Devriendt

Postdoctoral Scholar (2022-present).

PhD Isotope Geochemistry, University of Wollongong (2017)

Laurent is co-advised with Pupa Gilbert (U. Wisconsin and LBNL) and is conducting experiments to better understand the processes that control the clumped isotopic composition of carbonates formed from amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) precursors.

Cristina Alvarez

Postdoctoral Scholar (2022-present).

PhD Geochemistry, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (2019)

Cristina is co-advised with Pupa Gilbert  (U. Wisconsin and LBNL) and is working to understand the processes that control the trace-element and isotopic geochemistry of corals

Kian Kafaie

Research Specialist (2023-present)

Sc.B Geology-Biology, Brown University (2023)

Kian is working to help set up oxygen-17 measurements of carbonates and organic material in the lab. 

Lab Alumni

Andrew Turner

PhD Student (2017-2023)

Now Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow at USGS (Denver, CO)

Andrew worked on using experiments to quantify the processes that control the isotopic composition of methane and other alkanes gases as well studying carbonates from ocean drill cores to quantify rates of diagenesis in deep sea sediments.

Barbara Wortham

NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2022)

Now climate change manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers

While at Berkeley, Barbara applied methoxyl clumped isotope measurements to exquisitely preserved fossil wood from the La Brea Tar pits. She additionally made carbonate clumped isotope measurements on cave samples she worked on as a PhD student and developed the mass 48 clumped isotope measurements in our lab. 

Rebekah Stein

Agouron Geobiology Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2022)

Now assistant professor at Quinnipiac

While at Berkeley, Rebekah applied measurement of clumped methoxyl groups in wood to both experimentally grown samples from greenhouses and to fossil wood samples from the last ice age. She also calibrated and applied carbonate clumped isotope measurements on hackberry seeds from modern and ancient sites.

Dan Ibarra

Miller and President's Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2021)

Now assistant professor at Brown

While at Berkeley, Dan used a combination of carbonate clumped isotopes and triple oxygen isotopes to reconstruct terrestrial paleoclimates in a variety of locations. He additionally created a triple oxygen and strontium isotope record of the Bay of Islands Ophiolite.

Daniel Eldridge

Postdoctoral Scholar (2018-2021)

Now staff scientist  at Los Alamos National Laboratory

While at Berkeley, Daniel calibrated the methane clumped isotope measurement using the highest level theory available (Path Integral Monte Carlo calculations  in collaboration with Tom Miller's theoretical chemistry group at Caltech) and experiments he conducted at Berkeley from 0-500°C. He additionally conducted experiments to study the processes that control the clumped isotopic composition of methane during pyrolysis from larger hydrocarbons

Max Lloyd

Agouron Geobiology Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-2020)

Now assistant professor at Penn State

While at Berkeley, Max developed a new technique to measure the clumped isotopic composition of methoxyl groups from wood and applied it to a variety of modern and ancient samples. He also measured the triple-oxygen isotopic composition of hydrothermally altered rocks from the Oman Ophiolite