Daniel Stolper

Stable Isotope Geochemistry

at UC Berkeley

Welcome to my research webpage!

I am a geochemist with a focus on making stable (and especially clumped) isotopic measurements on a variety of sample types including carbonate, wood, methane, and molecular hydrogen. We conduct experiments, collect and measure samples from the field, mine old data and use it for new purposes, and create models. My group focuses on using and developing geochemical tools to study modern and ancient Earth processes. We are also involved in making and calibrating triple oxygen isotope measurements of silicates and carbonates as well as measuring kinetic isotope effects of biogeochemically important enzymes.

We are part of the larger community of Earth science at UC Berkeley both in the Department of Earth & Planetary Science and the Earth & Environmental Sciences Area at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (which sits on a hill directly above camps). We regularly collaborate with colleagues at UC Berkeley in the departments of Integrative Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Plant and Microbial Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

If you have any questions or are interested working with me, please reach out (dstolper@berkeley.edu). I am interested in working with researchers at all levels, including undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars.