Speaker List

Fall 2022

Sept 6th

Speakers TBD

Oct 3rd

Speakers TBD

Nov 7th

Speakers TBD

Dec 5th

Speakers TBD


Feb 7th

Janet Torres (Berkeley Environmental Engineering) - climate change and the development trajectory of Cuba

Utkarsha Agwan (Berkeley EECS) - flexible loads and batteries to incorporate more renewables into the grid

Mar 1ST

Jennifer Head (Berkeley Epidemiology) - effect of drought on valley fever in CA

Jeannie Wilkening (Berkeley Civil and Env Engineering) - plant-water-carbon interactions under a changing climate

APR 5th

Margiana Petersen-Rockney (Berkeley ESPM) - climate change adaptation with farmers & ranchers in northern CA

Daniel Startosa (Berkeley Masters of Development Practice) - complexities of developing cultures of preparedness in high-risk areas


Ankur Mahesh (Berkeley Earth & Planetary Science) - atmospheric rivers & climate change

Sayantan Mitra (Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics) - carbon sequestration in agriculture and forests

Fall 2021

Sept 7th

Ben Franta (Stanford History of Science) - History of climate denialism - VIDEO LINK

Chris LeBoa (Berkeley Environmental & Health Sciences) - Infectious disease solutions - SLIDES

Oct 4th

Leela Velautham (Berkeley Education) - Teaching climate change with hope for solving it

Rebecca Sugrue (Berkeley Civil & Environmental Engineering) - Wildfire impact on air quality and monitoring - SLIDES

Nov 1st

Nikki Tulley (Arizona Dept of Environmental Science) - Remote sensing for water resource access and quality

Ann Scheliga (Berkeley Civil & Environmental Engineering) - How terrestrial water contributes to sea level rise

Dec 6th

Helen Fitzmaurice & Jacob Barton (Berkeley Earth & Planetary Science, Berkeley Education) - Oakland Teachers Advancing Climate Education

Yuliya Borodina (Berkeley Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics) - Public attitudes regarding climate change disasters

Spring 2021

Feb 1st

Alex Turner (Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences) - Atmospheric Methane

Tessa Maurer (Civil & Env Engineering) - Blue Forest - Forest Resilience Bond

March 1st

Lisa Rennels (ERG) - Climate change and data science tools - SLIDES

Mindy Price (ESPM) - Climate-driven agricultural frontiers in the circumpolar North - SLIDES

April 5th

Emily Bercos-Hickey (LBL) - African Easterly Waves - SLIDES

Samantha Harper (California Water Board) - Climate Change at the Water Board - taking science and making policy

May 3rd

Nell Green (Berkeley Law) - Improving Water Rights Administration and Oversight for Future Droughts

Annelise Sytsma (Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning) - Green stormwater infrastructure - SLIDES

Fall 2020

Sep 8 - Topic: Earth's Systems

Ned Molter (Astronomy) - Atmospheric dynamics

Alan Rhoades (LBL-Hydrogeology ) - Climate change & mountainous hydroclimate through modifications in atmospheric river character and the magnitude and timing of snowpack

  • Note this is on a Tuesday due to labor day weekend.

See discussion here.

Oct 5th - Topic: New Data and Climate Science

Tessa Maurer (Civil/Env ECIC) - Data collection methods & improved modeling tools for PG&E's hydropower system


See discussion here.

Nov 9th - Reorganizing Society

Ted Lamm (Law) - Climate change, extreme heat, and insurance

Sofia Hamilton (ECIC) - High-Resolution Modeling and Apportionment of Diesel-Related Contributions to Black Carbon Concentrations

See discussion here.

Dec 7th - Energy Technologies

Carlos Biaou (EECS) - Printed electronics: Degradation of solar cells

Anaya Hall (ERG) - Institutional and ecological capacity of using composted municipal organic waste for carbon sequestration in California

Spring 2020

Feb 3

Lorenzo Rosa (ESPM) - Hydrological limits of post-combustion carbon capture and storage

Justin Gilmore (History) - The global right-wing and climate change

Laney Siegner (ERG) - Climate Education [rescheduled]

March 2

Gabe Eckhouse (Geography) - The temporal contradictions of the hydraulic fracturing revolution in oil: investment at a time of energy-uncertainty.

Areidy A. Beltran (ESPM) - Global Food Security Outlook in the Face of Climate Change and Population Growth with Sustainable Irrigation

Jenny Rempel & Ella Belfer (ERG) - CA's water governance regime under climate change

Apr 13th

Anustubh Agnihotri (Public Policy) - Field level bureaucracy in India that is responsible for the last-mile implementation of a range of welfare policies

George Moore (ME) - How to make empowering technologies more sustainable [rescheduled]

See discussion here.

May 4

Julia Szinai (ERG) - Water and energy systems adaptation

Drew Hart (ESPM) - Spatial and genomic determinants of evolutionary responses to climate change

Dana Miller (CBE) [rescheduled]

Casey Finnerty (CEE) - TBD

See discussion here.