
My google scholar profile can be found here


with Kshitij Kulkarni, Druv Pai, Jiarui Yang, Manxi Wu, Shankar Sastry

with Xin Guo, Xinyu Li*, Manxi Wu, Shankar Sastry

with Pan-Yang Su*, Victoria Tuck and Shankar Sastry 

with Sukanya Kudva*, Kshtij Kulkarni*, Anil Aswani and Shankar Sastry 

with Shankar Sastry, Lillian Ratliff, Eric Mazumdar 

with Manxi Wu*, Druv Pai and Shankar Sastry 

*equal contribution

conference publications 

Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 2023

with Chih-Yuan Chiu, Pan-Yang Su and Shankar Sastry

Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023

with Chih-Yuan Chiu*, Pan-Yang Su and Shankar Sastry

      Learning for Decision and Control Conference (L4DC) 2023

with Deepan Muthirayan, Pramod Khargonekar and Shankar Sastry

Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2023

with Sreenivas Gollapudi, Kostas Kollias, Manxi Wu

Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2022

with Kshitij Kulkarni, Manxi Wu and Shankar Sastry

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022

with Shankar Sastry and Eric Mazumdar

American Control Conference (ACC) 2022

 with Kshitij Kulkarni*, Manxi Wu and Shankar Sastry 

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2022

with Chih-Yuan Chiu*, Eric Mazumdar, Shankar Sastry and Lillian Ratliff

Asian Control Conference (ASCC) 2019

with Sukumar Srikant and Debasish Chatterjee 

(Finalist for Shimemura Young author award)

journal publications 

Automatica 2021

with Sukumar Srikant and Debasish Chatterjee

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2020

with Sukumar Srikant and Debasish Chatterjee 

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 2019

with Rinku Mittal, Salil S. Kulkarni and Ramesh Singh 

ACS Central Science 2018 

with Zeeshan Ahmad, Tian Xie, Jeffrey Grossman, Venkat Viswanathan