Chinmay Maheshwari

7th floor Sutardja Dai Hall

University of California Berkeley

Email: "first name"_"second name"

About me

I am PhD student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at University of California Berkeley also affiliated with Berkeley AI Research(BAIR) Lab. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Shankar Sastry

My research focuses on the conceptual, algorithmic, and methodological foundations for Learning Enabled Multi-Agent Systems (LEMAS) operating in dynamic, uncertain, and resource-constrained environments at a societal scale. Examples abound in routing, ride-hailing, e-commerce, and advanced air mobility applications. There are three main thrusts in my research focus: (i) the design and analysis of efficient multi-agent learning algorithms for LEMAS; (ii) the algorithmic foundations of dynamic mechanisms to ensure a socially optimal outcome from the interaction of LEMAS; (iii) the methodological foundations for using high-fidelity datasets to evaluate and improve the efficiency and social equity considerations for multi-agent learning.

On the technical side, I build upon and extend tools and techniques from game theory, mechanism design, machine learning, optimization, control theory, and dynamical systems.

I completed my undergraduate studies (B.Tech and M.Tech) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay in 2019 where I received Institute Academic Medal and Undergraduate Research Award. During my stay at IIT Bombay I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Debasish Chatterjee and Prof. Sukumar Srikant for my Master's thesis titled "Multiplexing in control systems" 

I hail from the beautiful city of Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan in India

Teaching experience

I am fortunate to have contributed to teaching and content creation in the following courses