Jun Wagner

Jun Wagner

Hi! My name is Jun, and I am a first year pursuing media studies and trying to minor in Korean. You're probably wondering, isn't this a chem frat? Yes, I am one of the COC dropouts, I still love chem, but the struggle is real. I was born in Fengcheng, China, and grew up in Torrance, CA. I love watching anime, Asian dramas, and cartoons. I am obsessed with reading manga, manhwas, and translated novels. I enjoy drawing, baking, and hanging out with my friends. I occasionally dabble in running, tennis, and video games. I listen to K-pop religiously. I LOVE MY DOG.

Fun Fact: I am childhood friends with my roommates.

Bonus Point: Find my other roommate in the picture to the left/above.

BTS concert!

one of my roommates (she's a menace)

me and my doggo

friends from home