training material

If any of the following videos does not play, clear your cache or try a different browser


Copy of 1. Intro, Homescreens, Modules, Widgets.mp4

  • Logging in
  • Setting your work location
  • Overview of Homescreen
  • Overview of Modules
  • Setting favorites
  • Widgets: adding / removing

Updates to video:
Student employees should log in using incognito mode.

Looking up patron records

Copy of 2a. Lookup patron record no title.mp4

  • Scan patron's card
  • Searching by name, email or other ___
  • Typing the patron's name into search bar

Updates to video:

Checking out (part 1)

Copy of 3a. Checking out material.mp4

  • Manage patron services
      1. Remember: Location location location!
      2. Viewing patron records
  • Overview of loans and Network Activity tabs
      1. Loans of this session vs all loans
      2. Network activity = AFN (Automated Fulfillment Network)
      3. Hold shelf notifications

Updates to video:
Clarification at 06:35 regarding the Network Actify tab: the task "Pickup From Shelf" means the book is waiting to be paged at the lending library. If AFN material is ready for the patron to pick-up at our Hold shelf, the Task will display as "On Hold Shelf." 

Checking out (part 2)

Copy of 3b. Checking out material.mp4

WARNING: Abrupt digital noise at 7:57
  • Checking out material
      1. My Institution vs other institutions & Loan display (see note below)
      2. Changing due dates
      3. Loan notes and Fulfillment notes
      4. Proxy check outs

Updates to video:
Staff no longer need to select the Item Owner when checking out materials from other UC campuses.

Checking in

Copy of 4. Checking in material.mp4

Updates to video:

  • Always confirm your location
  • Return items (best for patron returns)
      1. Overview of check in data
      2. Sample pop up messages at check including materials from other locations, materials with fulfillment notes and materials with holds
  • Back dating returns
  • Scan in items (best for work orders)
  • In house use
  • Check in materials from patron's account
  • Checking in materials from other UCs (see note below)

Pick from shelf list

Copy of 5. Pick from shelf lists.mp4

  • Where to find Pick from Shelf
  • Using facets to limit by sublocations
  • Sorting list by sublocation or call number
  • Multiple requests for same title
  • Checking in found items using Return Items

Updates to video:
Always use Scan In Items when fulfilling holds.

Placing holds

Copy of 6. Placing and updating holds for patrons.mp4

  • Placing a request
  • View requests from the pick from shelf list
  • View and sorting items on the Active Hold Shelf
  • Cancel a hold
  • Update a hold's expiration date
  • Edit a hold request
  • See that all 3 changes can also be done from the request number in the item record

Updates to video:

Clear hold shelf

Copy of 7. Clear expired items from holdshelf.mp4

  • General hold shelf policy
  • Setting expired holds to next destination using Expired Hold Shelf
      1. Reshelve
      2. Send to circulation desk
      3. Send to library
      4. Activate next
      5. Send to institution
  • Using Return items to check in expired holds

Updates to video:

Primo account