Our Motto

The Berea City School District is a community of excellence, integrity and purpose

Our Vision

The Berea City School District is a diverse community dedicated to inspiring lives of character, learning, leadership and service

What is culture and why is it important?

What is culture and why is it Important? Culture is not a document that hangs on the wall. Culture is what we believe, how we behave, & the experience our behavior produces for others. It is the foundation on which our education community is built. Written statements help clarify the culture, but documents don’t build culture … our actions do.

Our core beliefs provide the standards for how we behave toward each other, our students & our community. Because our culture shapes behavior, it determines how effectively we execute our strategy. Culture eats strategy for lunch. Our success depends on the ability to collaborate and execute in a constantly changing environment. Culture aligns everyone in the district around a common set of beliefs & behaviors that ultimately determine how we prepare our students for success.

20 Square Feet™

20 Square Feet™ 20 Square Feet is simply a metaphor that expresses that each person in the district has a sphere of influence. It expresses the reality that the way we behave personally – the way each of us manages our 20 Square Feet – is what determines our culture.

Belief - Behavior - Outcome (BBO)

Belief - Behavior- Outcome (BBO) The BBO is a playbook for our culture. It clarifies the specific behaviors and results we want from each of our beliefs. The behaviors outlined in the BBO are essential to how we engage students in the classroom, and how we operate our schools. Our goal is to create an educational environment where everyone consistently engages in behaviors that produce exceptional outcomes.

A Great Place to Live, Learn, Work and Grow!

Be Responsible, Respectful, and Safe

Pursue Excellence

Accept Challenges

As individuals and as a Titan community we will take risks and be open to new ideas. We are taught to lean into productive discomfort to continuously grow and learn as people and a community. When a Titan is faced with obstacles, we use these opportunities to solve problems with courage. No matter how difficult the task, a Titan does not make excuses and always tries their best.

Embraces a Growth Mindset

We believe that as Titans our job is to help all children grow. We never say that we can’t do something but rather we say “Not Yet.” Our goal is for students to take steps forward everyday. The Titan mantra is slow, small and daily! Growth requires struggle, it’s not just the key to surviving, it’s the key to success.

Be Relentless and Resilient

As a Titan, we learn to never give up and to always finish the job we set out to do. If we fail, we fail forward. If a problem is in front of us we work toward a solution and don’t stop until we find one. A Titan will persevere through their challenges and be stronger because of them. Titans commit to daily actions which lead us to achieve our goals.

Be the Difference

Live with Integrity

Be Honest and Trustworthy

Titans are always honest even when it is challenging. Titans consistently say what they mean and do what they say. Titans are dependable and loyal. They care about their Titan community. Titans always do the right thing even when no one is watching.

Own Your Choices

Titans have the ability to choose their attitudes, their beliefs, and their behaviors. When we make a choice or a response that does not give us the desired outcome, Titans will learn from the mistake and be better tomorrow than we were today. Our choices influence our culture and those around us. Our choices make the Titan community better.

Be Kind to Yourself and Others

As Titans, we believe that in a world where you can be anything, the most important thing to be is kind to others. Titans are not going to blame, complain, and defend their actions or situations, but rather Titans will seek to provide solutions, bring energy, and help others in everything we do.

Be the Best You

Act with Purpose

Honor Our Heritage, Celebrate New Traditions

As Titans, we share a collective responsibility to celebrate our three communities. We do this by honoring the unique heritage and perspectives found within our school district. Together, we work as one Titan community to build and celebrate new traditions.

Create a Sense of Belonging and Safety

We believe all members of the Titans community have the right to feel safe and a sense of belonging in the Berea City School District. We believe there is a shared responsibility by all to help others feel loved, respected, and an important part of our Titans family. We embrace each other's differences. We view our diversity as a strength within our communities that can be used to help solve problems, spark innovation, and offer unique perspectives. As Titans, we look for opportunities to positively impact others by listening, helping, caring for, and connecting with those that we interact with on a daily basis. We are intentional in our efforts to build a positive environment in our schools.

Support and Serve Others

Titans don’t ask what is in it for us, but rather we look for opportunities to serve others in everything that we do. We believe in the power of “we over me” and we know that real fulfillment comes when we support and serve others to make a difference in someone’s life. We are thankful for everything we have and we seek to make a difference in our world by lifting others up and serving with purpose.

Be One Community