Online Safety

Be Internet Awesome: Digtial Citizenship Resourcs from Google

Cyberbully Help Website


Cyberbullying Resources

Connect Safely: Safety Tips & Advice

"This Web site provides numerous technology safety tips. Texting-related issues and cell phone safety are well covered, but safety tips related to other issues, such as video-sharing

and chat rooms, are also available."

Texting On the Move

"This article explains the hazards of texting while “on the move,” like walking or driving. The Web site gives examples of how dangerous texting on the move can be, such as causing car accidents. It includes tips for texting and when not to text."

Cell Phone Safety

"This article called, “10 Tips for Cell Phone Safety” is targeted to parents.

Internet Safety and Filtering

"This Web site provides a list of resources teachers and parents can use to help students stay safe online. It also includes a discussion on the pros and cons of using parental control software to filter Web sites."


"The Digizen website provides information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible DIGItal citiZENS. It shares specific advice and resources on issues such as social networking and cyberbullying and how these relate to and affect their own and other people's online experiences and behaviours."

Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation

"This article is about protecting your online identity and reputation. It gives examples of ways an online identity can affect a child’s life such as getting kicked off a sports team for posting inappropriate information on a social networking site. It gives children simple guidelines to consider to safeguard their online identity and reputation."


"This Web site connects children with kid-friendly Web sites. The directory includes different categories children can click to find links about that topic. There are educational sites and fun sites, and all the Web sites are appropriate for children."


"Educating students about Internet safety can be difficult, especially with constantly changing technologies and classroom time constraints. These resources can help."

Net Cetera

"Chatting with kids about being online."

Internet Safety Basics for Parents/Guardians

Real-Life Stories for Teens

Student Privacy Pledge

Detecting Lies and Staying True