Welcome to Nursery


Hello all,

We are excited to welcome back our two year Nursery children and look forward to meeting our new starters. We hope you have had a nice summer break and managed to spend some quality family time together. Our topic this half term is ''Marvellous Me." Please see below a copy of our medium term plan. We will post pictures of your child's learning on Seesaw as well as in their learning journeys, which are kept in school. Please feel free to upload any learning your child showcases at home. We really value your contributions and continued support.

Thank you,

Nursery staff

Old Macdonald self isolation slides 22.1.2021


Parents and carers will have access to Seesaw via a QR code which will be sent out via ParentHub. It is brilliant to be-able to share with you the wonderful activities your child participates in at nursery and for you to share any lovely home learning opportunities as well. Once you have your QR code, please download the 'Seesaw Class' app on your phone or tablet and log-in. Feel free to watch the video below to understand what Seesaw is, and how it will work for us.

Please can you upload any photos or comments to Seesaw, from home as a way of sharing wow moments at home and any home learning.

Thank you for your support.

BW Seesaw Introduction.mp4

Autumn Term

This half term our topic is 'Marvellous Me''

  • We will learn the names of our new teachers and our new friends

  • We will learn our new routines and some simple signs and songs to help us.

  • We will talk about our family and learn about different types of families

  • We will listen to simple stories using props and join in with rhymes

  • We will develop our communication skills and practise turn taking

  • We will take part in opportunities for mark making and some children will write down letters they know

  • We will count daily, recognise simple shapes and begin to discuss their properties

  • We will self register, recognise our names and write down letters we know.


Whilst you're at home it would be great to practise some 'skills'. These will help your child develop confidence and independence both in school and at home. Thank you!


Forest school

Hi all its Mrs Hobbs here and I would like to tell you about the Forest School webpage. Where you will find an update of the weeks activities, photos, Forest School information and home learning activities.

Forest School

Whilst at nursery, your child will be given the opportunity to take part in forest school. Letters will be sent out so you know when your child's session will take place. At forest school, the children have the chance to: den build, play in the mud kitchen, climb trees, make fairy houses and many more fun activities. Forest school is an excellent way for children to build their self confidence, develop turning taking skills, improve their speaking and listening skills, as well as help them to understand the importance caring for their friends, themselves and the environment around them.

Please make sure your child is wearing the appropriate clothing as we take them out in all weathers unless extreme. Your child will require wellington boots, additional warm clothing when it is cold and sun cream applied by yourself if a sunny day is forecast.

All clothing should be labelled and brought in a plastic bag. Our school will provide waterproof overalls.

At home booklet for parents.pdf

Read through here to find out how to make the most out of story time with your child.


Click on the link below to find some useful phonics teaching resources.


Online Learning Links

There are lots of resources online that are currently free to help and give ideas!

Reading and phonics

Try reading daily if you can. There are lots of stories on YouTube if you run out!

https://www.storylineonline.net/ has a range of stories read by celebrities.

https://storytimefromspace.com/ offers books read by real astronauts in space!

Storynory have a range of stories read for older or younger children. This link is for the younger category.


Oxford owl also has a range of free ebooks


Topmarks have a range of online phonics games and stories too. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/3-5-years/letters-and-sounds


Top marks has some lovely maths games for counting, sequencing and pattern making.


We would also recommend NumberBlocks on cbeebies. These are really educational, free and support the teaching of numeracy.


Try to keep maths practical. Lots of real life opportunities using money, baking and cooking etc.

Physical development

A key part of physical development in school is getting dressed and undressed, using the toilet and washing hands correctly, and attending to self-care such as blowing noses. Keep practising these activities at home - encourage your child to have a go at getting dressed by themselves!

Joe Wicks has made some useful workout videos. Click on the link below to watch some.


We focus lots in school on development of fine motor skills - coordination of hands, gripping, grasping and writing etc. Using zips, buttons and holding utensils and stationary properly are great for this. Any activities like threading, cutting or picking up and sorting small objects like buttons, coins or counters are great for this.

Expressive Arts and Design

Oliver Jeffers has a range of lovely colouring exercises as well as creative projects and art activities free on his website to go along with his stories.


Arts on the Horizon are offering art and craft lessons on YouTube for free aimed at 2-6 year old.


How about starting the 30 day Lego challenge? A new task to build with your Lego each day. This really helps with their fine motor, understanding of the world and their creativity and development of their own ideas.


The artful Parent has some lovely ideas of creative things to do at home.


Understanding of the World

To help our children learn about animals you could use the following links. Using what you find out, you can talk about the animals and make a poster or book. You could draw or sketch them, count them, learn about their different environments, get your child to tell you what they know about them...or just watch them!





Cbeebies has a range of science experiments you could try at home. Don't forget to take pictures so we can learn all about it too!


Mrs Mills' Butterflies

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Ward and

Miss Murphy's Bumblebees

Nursery Teachers

Mrs Hughes' Ladybirds

Teaching Assistant

Mr Jevons - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hobbs - Forest School Leader

Mrs Smith - Music Teacher

Miss Reany - Cover Teacher