Title I

Title I Overview

Title I is a federally funded program that started in 1965. Funds are applied for by the Minnesota Department of Education and in turn, Benson schools write a comprehensive grand application to the state for funding. Title I, Part A grant funds are used at Northside Elementary School in areas of need. Supplemental educational services for students are provided both within the classroom and as small group pull-out. 

Parents are always welcome to visit Northside Elementary School and the Title I program. There is a Parent Advisory Board that meets twice a year to help write the parent component of the Title I grant application. 

Parent Advisory Board:

Sara Hoffman

Pam Neuhaus

Jennifer Kurkosky 

Title I Teachers:

Josh Manzke

Coleton Anderson

Barb Ruppert 

Ruth Ann Reiman 

Title I Coordinator:

Kara Nissen