Health Resources

Please visit the DCHD website for more information in regards to vaccination registration and other vaccination related details by clicking on this link.

What Parents Need to Know about Kids and the COVID Vaccine ( -The Boys Town Pediatrics shared some resources with our families. Here is a link to a page created specifically with information related to the COVID-19 vaccine and children. It includes a video of encouragement from one of the pediatricians and a video on the most common questions their doctors are getting in the clinic related to the COVID-19 vaccine, such as “should my child mask” and “are you getting your own children vaccinated.

All things COVID-19 Vaccine, CDC Site

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services - Vaccine Resources

Vaccines.Gov - Site to locate Vaccine Clinics near you

Options to Discontinue Quarantine FAQ (7-10 day quarantines)

COVID EXPOSED - How To Quarantine Infographic

When to Start and Stop Quarantine - 7 Day Shortened

When to Start and Stop Quarantine - 10 Day Shortened

What type of COVID-19 Test Should I Get? Guidance

Bennington High School vax clinic 2 (1).pdf
Exclusion_ReAdmittance_ill_Students_Staff_8_2021 (2).pdf