
Code of Conduct

Any student who participates in school-sponsored athletics or activities must agree to abide by the School District Board Policies, Administrative Rules, Code Of Conduct, building rules and team participation/training regulations. All students who participate in athletics and extracurricular activities are expected to be positive role models for other students and members of the community at all times. This signed contract shall be in effect at all times during the contract period. “At all times" means 24 hours a day, every day of the week whether at school or away from school. The contract will be in effect from the beginning of the OSAA calendar (see OSAA website for each years start date) and conclude with the last day of high school.

Cougar Track and Field Athletes are expected to do the following... Always

  1. Always be on time to practice.

    1. Unexcused Lateness

      1. First 3 - Warnings

      2. 4th, 5th and 6th Unexcused Late - Athlete will be asked to leave practice. Athlete will be given an unexcused absent. Will miss the next meet.

  2. Always be at practice. (You must notify your coaches ahead of time if you are going to miss a practice or a meet. You may be taken out of the next meet if you do not.)

    1. 3 unexcused abcenses may result in dismissal from team.

  3. Always prioritize having HUMILITY, be CHALLENGED, and ENJOYMENT!

    1. To Show Humility...

        1. Be coachable.

        2. Help others.

        3. Be supportive and put others first.

        4. Own your successes and failures.

    2. To Show Challenged...

        1. Be goal oriented.

        2. Strive to be 1% better each day.

        3. Be a competitior and compete!

    3. To Show Enjoyment...

        1. Smile.

        2. Bond with your teammates.

        3. Connect with your coaches!